Wooly Week Day 2: Ganga Girls Causing Trouble

Feb 12, 2018

Today is the SECOND day of Wooly Week!!  Every day this week we will release something completely new.  

Yesterday, we released the new music video, Feo, a sequel in which Víctor tries to reclaim his "guapura".  If you haven't seen it, read more about it here.

So, what's new today?  

Quite simply, the Ganga Girls are causing trouble, and we need your help.   



The Ganga Girls are causing toruble yet again.



Today, while we were busy preparing to release a new music video that comes out on Wednesday, we got an email from a concerned Sr. Wooly user who informed us that she had spotted the Ganga Girls in a video that they didn't belong in.  

So, we started looking around.  

It appears that the Ganga Girls have inserted themselves into every single video in the Sr. Wooly catalog (except for Feo, probably because we just uploaded that one).



Can you help us find the Ganga girls?  We've found a couple already, but not even close to all of them.

By the way, if you do find them, please make a note of where you saw them.  That's because we have decided to roll this "Find the Ganga Girls" task right into the Wooly Raffle.  You'll get more info about it this afternoon.

REALLY IMPORTANT NOTE: Based on preliminary observations, it appears that the Ganga girls are only hanging out in the NO SUBTITLES versions of the the videos, which can be found on the main Story pages.  

La Rocola del Sr. Wooly v2.5



Today we release v2,5 of the Sr. Wooly lyrics videogame, La Rocola del Sr. Wooly.  

So what's new in v2.5?

Aside from bug fixes, the big new feature is that there are now a LOT more unlockable characters.

A shoutout to Molly Heady Carroll, the amazingly talented 8-bit artist who knows how to make such memorable videogame characters on such a tiny canvas.  


 Who woulda thunk it?

Krashen: an 8-bit videogame character. 



Wooly Week is far from over. Tomorrow (Wed), we will have a brand new music video for you.